Edvard Munch : the graphic works and the Gundersen collection
Forfattere: Morten Zondag, Magne Bruteig
The Gundersen Collection is one of the world's foremost private collections of Edvard Munch's graphic works. This book provides art-loving readers with a unique overview of the graphic works in this remarkable collection. Edvard Munch(1863-1944) continues to fascinate us to this day. He pursued and revived the graphic arts - including by hand-colouring his prints - and expressed strong emotions in works such as The Scream, Madonna, Anxiety, Jealousy, Self-Portrait with Skeleton Arm and Two Women on the Shore, all of which are described in this book. Art historians Magne Bruteig and Morten Zondag explore 58 of Munch's graphic works from The Gundersen Collection, presenting each one in detail and with respect, insight and enthusiasm. In addition to providing descriptions of the works, the authors also explain the techniques employed by Munch, and how he developed the same motif through various print editions. The owner of The Gundersen Collection, Pål Gundersen, describes his passion for art and how he has built up the collection over time.
Forlag: Kagge forlag | Utgave: 1 utg. |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 213 |
ISBN: 9788272017520 | Vekt: 1558 g |
Innbinding: Innbundet | Utgitt: 2022 |
Veil. pris: 499 |
Kategori: Malerkunst og malerier, Trykk og trykketeknikker, Kunstnere, kunstmonografier |